So I was making this new song, using some beats I had stashed away in my head. I was putting it into the Piano Roll and continually listened to it (as per usual) when I thought the beat sounded quite familiar. I regarded it as nothing, as I couldn't recal anything that it sounded like.
Anyways I'm working along when I decide to play some Harvest Moon.My last save file was in winter, so whatever. I start playing and whistle the winter theme aloud. And that's when it kicks in.
The song I was making was actually the winter theme (well, kinda. It was fairly similar). So I've decided just to go ahead and do a complete cover of the theme to get it out of my system. I've been working on it for a while now so it should be done soon. It's fairly simple, actually.
I was a little bummed out about that though. I was like "DAMN! And to think I had something good going... Fiddlesticks. Betta' luck next time, I s'pose". Well, I just said that last sentence right now as I type this up. Maybe when I get a lot less busy my head won't be so fogged up and I can com up with a good melody.
SSBB came out here recently too. I really want to get it... But I'm so very poor. I just spent about 300 dollars in one day as I:
1.Applied for housing at the UofA. It cosst $175 just to apply! Fucking madness!.
2. Paid for soccer fees. It costs $85 (pretty cheap) plus $40 for the jersey, which if I return I get the money back.
So I'm broke. And I really want to get GHIII too! T_T
love the link pic.
As do I.