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CrazyCookie's News

Posted by CrazyCookie - March 2nd, 2008

I've been really busy lately so I've had little to no time to work on that piece. Nothing's coming to my head for ideas either. I keep getting random beats popping in my head but they never go anywhere. So far I've got like thirty seconds of background done. I'm not even sure I'm gonna stick with that, I'll probably end up changing it.


I foresee myself working on it for a very long time and eventually finishing. But it won't be that good. Oh well.

I'm gonna spend a while tuning with the FL Keys in FL as well. I haven't been able to achieve the sort of sound I really want yet.

Posted by CrazyCookie - February 27th, 2008

Well, I've got some sort of new classical song coming up. It's not going to be a cover either, completely original. I'm kind of liking how it's sounding... However I've only done... Ahem, very little. But I have started on it, and that's a plus. I always have a difficulty when I'm starting them.

I am kind of bummed out how it might sound when it's done (and I don't expect it done for a while). Hopefully it turns out okay and is accepted by you Audio Regs.

I'm still fairly new to FL, and I'll admit that I don't know that much jargon about it. And I'm not exactly a music genius either, so coming up with an entire original song from scratch may prove a difficult task for me (not like covers, which are, in my book, not completely original). I'm kind of unorganized too. A lot of people say "Start with the bassline first", and I can see the logic behind this. Really, it's smart. But what happens is that I'll start making a nice beat and then get sidetracked with what I want to main rhythm to sound like. And then BAM. I'm off making the main rhythm first and then I seem to adopt the bassline afterwards. Blegh, so far it's somewhat working out.

I wish i would've read Rig's little tutorial-like blog thing when i first got FL. It would've probably sped things up for me a lot. Too abd when i did eventually read it I knew most of the stuff said there. But, I'm putting it here in hopes that people reading this will also read that blog. It may prove useful for you.

One day I'll be like the more experienced uses on here. On day. At least I've gotten used to FL and know most of the basics... I think. o.o

All this talk of the song makes me want to work on it. But I'm really tired right now, so whenever I do try and work on i I just turn into mush. So until I get better I probably won't be able to finish it. OH DARN!

I'll also need a name for it. It's a classical piano piece that's kind of "sad" (so far it is LOL). Any suggestions for the name?

Posted by CrazyCookie - February 25th, 2008

So I was watching some kickass Madness Inundation a couple days ago when just about thirty seconds in, the Flash itself went to an the Adult Friend Finder page. You know that one that says something like "Find horny sluts in your area that want to fuck you tonight" nonsense. Or I'm fairly certain it was. Either way it was a site like Adult Friend Finder, with the same basic pornographic purpose. I was going "WTF" as I quickly closed the Flash Window. [What I mean was while I was watching the Flash, out of nowhere the Adult Friend Finder site page opened up where the Flash used to be playing, not even in a separate tab or window. It was damn weird.]

I re-opened the Flash to see what the hell happened. I knew that Krinkels wouldn't have scripted his Flash so it linked to the site (it's possible, yes?) so I thought to try it again. And this time it didn't link off to the site. Instead it played the whole movie through perfectly fine.

It hasn't happened again since then (although I've only watched a few flashes in that time frame). But I'm still a little confused at what had happened, and was tempted to PM Wade about it (I read around trying to see if there was any explanation by the staff about the problem or not, but to no avail). But I didn't, and gradually forgot to. And now here I am making this News Post.

And I'm completely serious here, I have no idea what had happened. Has it occurred to anyone else? Was it a problem with NG? Has this already been explained by the Staff elsewhere and I'm just some dumb little fuck that's left out of the loop?


Posted by CrazyCookie - February 22nd, 2008

I've been busy with some stuff, mostly Real Life related. Y'Know eating, sleeping, shitting. The stuff that keeps us busy.

Anyways, I was recently playing as my God-like character in The Elder scrolls 3: Morrowind, just running around killing random things that dared get in my way. I'd already killed Vivec and any other God-like creature that I could kill, so I was fairly bored. Still runnin' around... Killing the occasional Bull Netch. Really, it gets boring once you've done everything.

So I shut off the game and restart it, 'cause I wanted to start from scratch. I haven't even touched the game in months (except the time immediately before this) and it might be fun to start right over. Anyways the title screen pops up and I'm rocking out to the tune. For some reason I've always liked the music in Morrowind, especially the title screen. And then i thought "Hrm, I should do a cover on that song..." And here we are.

Aside from that, the music in the Elder Scrolls series has always been amazing. Oblivion is no different. Although I think I like the Morrowind music just a tad better. Well... I can of like Morrowind more in every way (except for graphics, obviously). I didn't like how the leveling system worked in Oblivion (everything levels up with you), 'cause once you get to about the "middle levels" everything is quite difficult to kill. And you never really feel that "I'm a fucking God, bitches" feeling you could get in Morrowind.

But I fucking love Oblivion anyways. I should really get back to beating that game... I keep getting sidetracked with random nonsense. Whether it be me running randomly in the beautiful scenery, or doing Guild missions (to which I'm practically the head of them all anyways). And I'm quite the little thief. I think I've robbed everyone that I possibly could LOL. Althoguh I was like that in morrowind too. It just makes things easier, yknow?


Now go check out my music and use it in your flashes. (:

Posted by CrazyCookie - February 18th, 2008

Well, I just got a new song out there. Another Zelda cover, this time of the windmill song from ocarina of time. I tried to make it trance-y, but hell, it was my first time trying to pull that off so it might sound a little weird.

Either way, hope you guys like it.

Here's the Link to the song.

Posted by CrazyCookie - February 1st, 2008


Rule 10... Obey it.

Posted by CrazyCookie - January 26th, 2008

Well, as of something like a four days I've become an official contributor to the Bvg Collab. At first I wasn't actually considering joining, but I though "Ah fuck it." and look at that - I'm in. I can honestly say I'm glad I didn't get the good ol' cold hard slap of denial. Those hurt like hell.

As of now I've made two contributions - Wily Castle and Mario World Ending.

I also have a Sonic remix for the Collab that's in the making. I may also make some more Wily Castle remix's, as there's an absurd amount of them lurking about (Wily Castle Stage songs, I mean).

Anyways, expect at least one more contribution from me.

Posted by CrazyCookie - January 22nd, 2008

Well, I've been workin' pretty hard on a new song recently. It's actually taken up quite a long time (at least three hours, and that's only today!) I've actually had this one in "The Making" for about a month now. Not non-stop working, I did forget about it for a while and did little scraps of ten minutes here and there. But recently, somehow, I've almost felt obligated to finish it! It's weird, but I'm likin' how it sounds. Especialy since it's not related to Zelda at all. o_o

I'm trying to slow down with it's completion, as I just recently released a song. For the past one's I've made (I know, there's not much) I've usually uploaded them right after I finished them. So I made upload this song right after I finish it. We'll see when that time comes.

The song itself, like I previously mentioned, is sounding pretty good so far. In fact, I think it's mmost favorite one so far. To me, at least. I just like the rhythm and the way it plays out. And no, I'm not telling you any details of how it sounds. A surprise, yes?

Anyways, this was just a sort of "Heads Up" to whomever likes my music thus far (HA, keep tellin' yourself you got people waitin' for music from you, Cookie...). And if you're reading this still, you mind as well go and check out my current music! Leave a review.

On a completely unrelated note, I've recently "picked up the controller". Of course I mean my X-Box controller, to play some Knights of The Old Republic. I got the second one and started playing it, but was vastly disappointed. Don't get me wrong, the game was good and all, I just didn't like it nearly as much as I liked the first one. The first one was just Epic. Ah... the Dark Side... Who knew ti could be so funny? I've also been wanting to play Mass Effect, but haven't had the opportunity to yet. I've heard it's a pretty sweet game though.

Also, although I'm sure many of you know, Heath Ledger was recently found deceased. I was brought to light by this incident upon reading Tim Buckley's News Post. DAMN. I've liked pretty much every movie he's been in and though he's a damn good actor. He will be missed.

On a lighter note I've got about two weeks off from most things now, so I may be doing some long needed heavy gaming. Or song making, whichever I wish to do. And it depends if anyone actually wants me to make some songs. :o

If you're STILL reading, go and listen to my music and/or leave reviews.

Posted by CrazyCookie - January 16th, 2008

Well, in my last News Post (Which was quite a while ago) I stated I'd had two things in production thus far. Scratch that, neither of 'em will probably fly anytime soon. Just too busy, and frankly, I don't feel like learning all the programming required at this time. I am slowly learning flash though, so once I attune my drawing skills a bit more I may submit some small flashes, and gradually get better,

Anyways, I've gotten back into making some remixes of songs. I haven't exactly completed anything yet, just fiddling with some mixers and the piano roll in FL. It's pretty sweet. Unlike my first few, I'll be leaving the shackles of just Zelda Songs and probably move onto anything heard anywhere, really.

If you have any suggestions on what I should do, drop me a PM.


Posted by CrazyCookie - August 17th, 2007

Hey NG users. CC here to give a heads up to all you NG users on my current projects and projects-to-come.

Well, so far the only thing I've "contributed" to NG so far is a couple of Zelda re-make songs done in FL Studio. You know, fairly easy to make and not to mention quick. And for some fun I guess. Not horribly good but wasn't going for that either. Anyways, give 'em a listen!

I'm aware I made one a loop, by accident mind you. And in that same one forgot one of the warp songs. I think I'll re-do it in the future, with better quality and all that jazz. And get some proper sheet music or somethin'.

As for anymore music to come, I was thinking maybe a couple more revamped tracks of Zelda. Currently in development though is a sort of Hip-hop thing. I'm hopin' it comes out with a nice beat.

Music aside, I've got some Flash project in development. The most serious is something I'm calling C&H Madness. It's a sort of battle royal based of off C&H characters (the four artists, heroes in comics, etcetera). It'd be similar to Smash Bros. and Newgrounds Rumble. Although I think it'd be cool and fun to do this, I'd want some feedback beforehand. If the public generally thinks it might be cool, I will. Give some feedback here and then I'll decide. (If I do decide to, my next news post will most likely have some screen shots of it, although it will definitely still be in development).

Another project, currently in the making, will be out sometime soon. I hope to make it into a series named Leg-Less Larry. Leg-Less Larry, as you might've guessed, is Leg-Less! He'll be spouting nonsense of all sorts of things; namely how you should be wearing a cup
while you operate with the Wii-Mote! (That's the basis of the one I'm currently doing).

Well, I think that's all for now. Give feedback on the Songs, C&H Madness idea and everything else.
